The Monson Seminar

is a three-week residential course for highly-motivated Pell-eligible and first-generation college students pursuing creative and research-based projects. The Seminar is offered through MonsonArts, an artist residency in Monson, Maine, and accredited through the University of Maine Farmington. Accepted students receive fellowships funding the full cost of their tuition, room, and board.

What We Do

Holistic Support 

Students do their best work when they are cared for at every level. The Monson seminar is designed to support students physically, intellectually, creatively, and emotionally.

Authentic Belonging

High-need and first-generation college students face many challenges that can be mitigated or eliminated by cohort effect. Community is integral to every aspect of the seminar, from meals to work shares.

Unwavering Belief

We believe in the infinite capacity of our students. The Monson seminar is designed to help them develop this belief in themselves by encouraging internal motivation and the cultivation of creative and intellectual agency.

Deep Work

The Monson Seminar is dedicated to helping students discover and develop their capacity for deep work: focused, distraction-free cognitive and creative labor that allows students to exceed their own sense of what is possible.

“When I am at home I am so so distracted by the comings and goings of my daily life... I never have time to focus on anything for a long time. If I am aiming to focus on something for longer than a few days, my thoughts are broken, the project is rushed to a state of ‘good enough,’ and I never feel proud because I know it's not my best work - and I didn't even know what my best work was. Here, I did not have to budget my creative time.”

“At Monson, I felt like I had so much creative freedom from everyday worries that I never really stopped to think about until I got here. I also never thought about how much my daily habits had an impact on my craft.”

“This time has been extremely transformative and helpful for me, challenging me in so many ways I’m not used to. My confidence in myself as a writer and artist has greatly improved and I feel something much more honest in what I’m working on than anything else I’ve done before.”

“I don't know if I can ever adequately put into words how much these three weeks mean to me and how much I am so grateful to have not only the space to pursue my dreams, but also the opportunity for the amazing support from the faculty and my classmates... Truly, from the bottom of my soul, I thank you for providing me with this space. I can hear my passion calling me once again.”